February 21, 2012

Burger Bite - February Pattern of the Month

W.W. Tan,Green,Orange,Red,Black, and White / Tapestry Needle / Black Embroidery Thread / Googly Eyes / E Hook / Super Glue

Entire Hamburger is made with an E Hook. When instructions say 1SC, 2SC in next ST, it is increasing. Do not turn on your rows unless otherwise stated!

Hamburger Bun (Make Two):
Foundation: With E Hook, 6SC in MC.
Note: The Following Rows are all in FLO.
Round 1: 2SC around. (12)
Round 2: 1SC, 2SC in next ST. (18)
Round 3: 2SC, 2SC in next ST. (24)
Round 4 - 7: SC around. (24)
Round 7: SC2TOG around, until hole is small enough to be hidden by the burger patty/lettuce. Fasten off, stuff, and weave in ends.

Hamburger Patty:
Foundation: 6SC in MC.
Round 1: 2SC around. (12)
Round 2: 1SC, 2SC in next ST. (18)
Round 3: 2SC, 2SC in next ST. (24)
Round 4: SC around. Leaving a tail for sewing later, fasten off. Do not stuff the hamburger patty. (24)

Round 1: CH4, join to form a circle.
Round 2: CH3, 11DC in circle, join to beginning CH3.
Round 3: CH2, HDC in same ST as joining, 2HDC in each ST.
Round 4: CH1, SC, HDC in same ST as joining, SPST in next ST. *CH1, SC, HDC in next ST, SLPST in next ST* around and join to beginning CH1. Fasten off and leave a tail for sewing on later.

Ketchup Tongue:
Row 1: CH4, SC in next 3ST, CH 1 and turn.
Row 2-5: SC across, CH1, and turn.
Row 6: SLPST in next ST, 2HDC in next ST, SLPST in next ST. Fasten off and leave a tail for sewing on.
Onion Face:
Foundation: 6SC in MC.
Round 1: 2SC in 1stST, in FLO 2SC in next 3ST. (12)
Round 2: IN FLO, 1SC, 2SC in next ST. (18)

Row 1: CH10, SC across, CH1 and turn.
Row 2 -8: SC across, CH1 and turn. Fasten off and leave a tail to sew on later.

  1. Sew lettuce to bun, covering the hole left for stuffing.
  2. Sew cheese slice to lettuce. Fasten off and weave in all ends on this piece.
  3. Sew hamburger patty to other bun.
  4. Sew ketchup tongue to hamburger (the end will be covered by the onion slice).
  5. Sew onion on top of the hamburger patty and ketchup tongue.
  6. Glue eyes to onion.
  7. Embroider teeth.
  8. Now sandwich the two pieces together.
  9. Using the same color used for the buns, sew them together by weaving the needle in and out of the two buns. Only do a few stitches. This way your Burger Bite will open and close.
  10. Fasten off and weave in all ends.


  1. How cool! Do you have a french fry pattern to go with it?

  2. No, but I could make one for March or April.
