August 28, 2012

Red Angry Bird Toilet Paper Cosy

Materials:  Red (or whatever color your doing for the bird), Black, White, Orange Yarn.  G hook for all parts.

With G Hook and red yarn.
Row 1:  Ch 3, 12 DC in 3rd CH from hook, join to the top of the starting CH 3 (Do not count CH3 as 1st DC). (12)
Row 2:  CH3, 2DC in each ST around, join to beg CH 3 (24)
Row 3:  CH3, (DC, 2DC in next ST) around, join to BEG CH3. (36)
Row 4:  CH3, (DC2, 2DC in next ST) around, join to BEG CH3. (48)
Row 5:  Ch 3, in BLO DC around, join to top of beg ch 3. (48)
Row 6:  Ch 3, DC around, join to top of beg ch 3. (48)
Row 7-12:  Repeat round 6. Note: In R12, FO red and add white.  (48)
Row 13:  Ch 2, sc around, join to ch 2, fasten off and weave in the ends. (48)

Eyes (x2):
With G Hook and white yarn.  CH4, 12DC in circle, fasten off, leave tail for sewing.  Repeat for second eye.

Iris of Eye:     With black.  6SC in MC, SLPST to 1st, fasten off.  Make two, and then sew to whites of eyes.

Eyebrows:       With black.  CH12, DC in 2nd CH from hook, and in next 3CH, HDC, SC in next 2CH, SLPST in last 2CH.  FO.   

Beak (make two):  With orange. 
Round 1:  3SC in MC. 
Round 2:  2SC in each ST around. (6)
Round 3:  2SC in each ST around. (12)
Round 4:  SC around. (12)  Fasten off, leave tail for sewing.

Head Feathers:
Round 1: 6SC in MC.
Round 2: 2SC in each ST around. (12)
Round 3-7:  SC around. (12)
Round 8: SC1, SC2TOG (8)
Round 9-10: SC around. (8)
Repeat for second feather.
The blue ice bird, pinned up, and not sewed .

UPDATED: 7/11/2017  - Forgot instructions on how to do eyebrows for red Angry Bird.


  1. How do you make the eyebrows?

    1. Forgive me for the delay (with the holiday here, we were traveling) in my reply! I had to go and dig this pattern out of my stash, only to find I didn't write it down, so I went ahead and reworked the eyebrows and updated the blog post.
