April 21, 2011

Some Encouraging Words...

Mrs. Teaman,

Ps. 142:1-7 This is a psalm that I cherish in my heart. It was written by David, when he was in the cave as a prayer. I know it will comfort you, because it comforted me just to read its words. I love you as a teacher and a very close friend. All year you've been encouraging. This time is my chance to return the encouragement. I hope you have a good retirement, Mrs. Teaman, and a good life.

Prov. 3:16-17 "Long life is in her right hand, in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are pleasant ways and all her paths are peace." And my last word -- Prov. 17:22 "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." You have a cheerful heart, so you can't have a crushed spirit, becaue you're full of God's wonderful love.

Prov. 11:16 " A kind-hearted woman gains respect." God said this, so it's true. Mrs. Teaman, you have all of my respect. I pray for all the teachers each night, that the blood of Jesus would be upon them, and I can see it all over your life.

With love,
I wrote this letter when I was thirteen! This was a gift to my teacher who was retiring from teaching and moving to TN. She really was a great teacher and I managed to find her on Facebook awhile ago.

I guess she was going through her boxes and found this and decided to send it to me. The timing couldn't have been any better.

Funny how my encouraging words come back to make me encouaraged!

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