May 30, 2009

Mexico Scarfs

Hola Amigas! Every year my church organizes a trip to Mexico, more specifically the southern areas. Yep, where it's nice and chilly.

The minister that we travel with has crusades in the open weather. Every year I hear stories about Mexican people walking miles in the cold harsh weather (with nothing to keep them warm) to get to these crusades, just for a touch of God. It dosn't matter that it's cold, they are probably not dry, they go anyways.

This year I want to send as many scarfs as possible to keep these people warm. I am looking for male, female, and child sized scarfs. If you want to contributed, please message me at My Yahoo Group is already participating, so join in!

For those of you in my Yahoo! Group, there will be a special package for those who send the most scarfs.

Thank you for contributing and e-mail me for information.

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